Southeast Kansas
Music Educators Association
Mini-Convention - Jan. 18, 2025
Admission (cash only): Adults - $5; Students K-12 - $1
Admission (cash only): Adults - $5; Students K-12 - $1
Pittsburg Community Middle School
1310 N. Broadway
3:30 PM - Elem. Choir, Auditorium
4:15 PM - MS Band, Gym
5:00 PM - MS Choir, Auditorium
1310 N. Broadway
3:30 PM - Elem. Choir, Auditorium
4:15 PM - MS Band, Gym
5:00 PM - MS Choir, Auditorium
SEKMEA Honor Group Rosters 2024-25
Attention New Teachers! - JOIN the Mentoring Network
CONNECT with experienced mentors and fellow beginning music educators. — ENGAGE in professional learning through mentoring events and online discussions. — ENJOY SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT from a professional community that is committed to your success.
CONNECT with experienced mentors and fellow beginning music educators. — ENGAGE in professional learning through mentoring events and online discussions. — ENJOY SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT from a professional community that is committed to your success.
Mentoring Help Line
Contact your district mentor chair if you have a question or need resources or help.
Contact your district mentor chair if you have a question or need resources or help.