Middle School Band Clinician
Cheri Wright
Cheri Wright is currently the Director of Bands at East Middle School in Joplin, Missouri, and is beginning her sixteenth year in education. Her primary responsibilities include teaching beginning band, directing the middle school marching and concert band; and, assisting at Joplin High School. Mrs. Wright has served as a local marching band clinician in Southwest Missouri, and was the MSSU Jr. High Honor Band Clinician in 2023. Mrs. Wright was awarded the prestigious "Golden Apple Teacher of the Year" for grades 6-8 in 2018. In June of 2018, she co-presented a clarinet clinic at the Missouri BandMasters Association. In November 2017, Mrs. Wright hosted Ray Chapa's Clarinet Gymnastics Symposium, which drew 130 students and directors. Previously, she was the Middle School Band Director and the Assistant Band Director at the high school for the Lake Hamilton School District in Pearcy, Arkansas. She holds a Masters of Music Performance in Conducting from Arkansas State University and a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Pittsburg State University.