Middle School Choir
ClinicianLori Scantlin
Important Dates
Nov. 11 - Nomination Deadline - $15 participation fee per selected student
Jan. 18 - Clinic & Concert @ Pittsburg Community Middle School
Nominations must be entered online in the KMEA Members site. Any student grades 7-8 from the Southeast District that is enrolled in a choir class is eligible. Teachers may nominate 8 choral students from their school: 2 Soprano, 2 Alto, 2 Tenor and 2 Bass. Teachers may also nominate alternates for any voice part. There is no guarantee the alternates will have a place in the choir. All nominations must be completed online by the posted deadline.
Use the SEKMEA Invoice Generator to create your fee invoices. An invoice print-out must be included with each payment. Make checks payable to Southeast KMEA.
Students may wear school clothing for rehearsals. Facilities will be available to change before the concert. All clothing must follow your schools dress code. Concert Dress is as follows:
Ladies: Dresses/Skirts/Slacks and nice shirt (no jeans, t-shirts or tennis shoes)
Men: Slacks and Dress Shirt, tie is optional (no jeans, t-shirts or tennis shoes)
Items may be purchased for lunch at a concession stand or students may bring a sack lunch.
Student Checklist
- Music marked with the school name so it can be returned if misplaced.
- Original music only in a black three-ringed binder.
- Pencil for marking the music.
- Money for lunch or a sack lunch. (Please encourage students to bring smaller bills to purchase their lunch.)
- Water in a closeable container. (No pop is allowed in the music room or gyms.)
- Concert attire.
- A positive attitude and desire to have a great day making music with others!
Performance Repertoire
Tue, Tue
arr. Ruth Morris Gray
SAB, Alfred Music Publishing
The River Sleeps Beneath the Sky
Victor C. Johnson
3PT mixed, Hal Leonard
Keep Your Lamps
Andre Thomas
SATB, Hinshaw Music
We're the Men
Jay Althouse
The Fox
Blake Richter and Taylor Shaeffer
SA, Walton Music
arr. Ruth Morris Gray
SAB, Alfred Music Publishing
The River Sleeps Beneath the Sky
Victor C. Johnson
3PT mixed, Hal Leonard
Keep Your Lamps
Andre Thomas
SATB, Hinshaw Music
We're the Men
Jay Althouse
The Fox
Blake Richter and Taylor Shaeffer
SA, Walton Music